The Highlander Who Stole Christmas by Eliza Knight | ARC Review

Series: N/A
Traits & Tropes: revenge; kidnap; heroine on the run; titled hero
Publication Date: 10.04.20
Genre/Setting: Historical; Stuart, Scottish Highlands, December, 1746
Heat Level: 1
Rating: 4/5

Thane Shaw has bided his time for eight months waiting for a chance to have his revenge on Clan Campbell for the death of his twin sister. This Christmas season has finally presented the perfect opportunity: he can steal the old laird’s sister, Sarah.

When I realized this was a kidnap/revenge plot, I was unsure if I’d like it and thought it might be too much angst for what I feel like reading at the moment. Fortunately, that’s not how it turned out. Yes, Thane was out for revenge, but Sarah was in need of rescue and more than happy to go with him. I enjoyed these two working together and they fell in love quickly and with no fuss between them. Yes, it’s instalove, but it was perfect for this novella, and I loved that Sarah and Thane didn’t try to deny or avoid discussing their feelings. With this being set in such a turbulent, tragic time in Scottish history, it was difficult for it to truly feel festive, but it did leave me feeling hopeful and I appreciated that. This would be the perfect quick read if you’re an introvert like me and find yourself needing just a little break from holiday family time.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
