Sophia's Schooling by Maggie Sims | ARC Review

Series: School of Enlightenment, #1
Traits & Tropes: titled hero; bedroom lessons; trust issues; dyslexic hero; unexpected inheritance; compromised
Publication Date: 05.23.22
Genre/Setting: Historical; Regency; London/Peterborough, England, 1816
Heat Level: 11
Rating: 3.5/5

Newly orphaned, Sophia Wilkinson has no idea what to expect of going to live with her cousin in opulent London. She only knows that she doesn’t especially want to risk her heart to the pain of loss again, though a husband may prove necessary to ensure her security.

Edward Morduant finds himself the reluctant Earl of Peterborough after his brother’s death and he’s also struggling to adjust. He harbors a secret that brings him shame and has caused him to eschew marriage, but now that he has inherited a title, he realizes he will eventually need to have heirs to continue it.

Edward is reluctantly attracted to his best friend’s ward even knowing he shouldn’t be. When Sophia finds herself curious about domestic discipline, she winds up getting closer to Edward than she’d ever planned to and when they’re caught in a scandalous position, only marriage can ensure the protection of her reputation. They’re both reluctant but hopeful, especially when Sophia is enrolled for two weeks of classes at the School of Enlightenment to prepare her for her marriage.

This story won’t be for everyone, but it is refreshing to see something so different in historical romance.  There were definitely instances of interactions between the MCs that had me scoffing and Sophia definitely put up with more than I would have, but in the end their dynamic worked for them. Edward was a bit of a pill much of the time, asking much more of Sophia than he was willing to give of himself and at times it made her seem like a pushover, when in reality she was trying to find ways of getting along with her new husband while also staying true to herself. Sometimes Edward’s aloofness comes off as him using Sophia. He’s really just trying to protect his heart, but these blinders he wears at times make him oblivious to or careless of her desires in the face of what she can do for him. For this reason, it sometimes seems like Sophia is just going along to ensure her security. I definitely thought Edward was too condescending with her sometimes, referring to her as ‘young lady’ rather than allowing her to openly communicate with him was frustrating for me and I now know, not that I ever doubted, that this sort of relationship dynamic definitely wouldn’t work for me personally. Everything changed for Sophia so rapidly and she was incredibly young, so I think he was just a bit too impatient with her sometimes. The concept of her going to the school after they married was also a bit strange, but I give it points for being original. I just wish Edward gave Sophia credit for her horse knowledge a bit sooner. As a horse person myself I would’ve been furious to have someone condescending to me about horse safety when I’ve been around them my entire life, even if it was coming from a place of fearing for her safety. Thankfully, Edward did eventually open himself up to her and I found that very satisfying. I believed the feelings that developed between these two and that connection at least came through very strongly on the page.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

