Son of a Rogue by Cecelia Mecca | ARC Review

Series: Brotherhood of the Border, #3
Traits & Tropes: hate to love; reformed rake; road trip
Publication Date: 02.09.22
Genre/Setting: Historical; Medieval, Northern England, 1300
Heat Level: 3
Rating: 4.5 stars!

Sir Rory Waryn was sent by the Brotherhood to rescue Lady Freya from her turncoat brother and the king’s men holding her castle. He was unprepared for the daughter of the late Baron Hathawaye to resist him, not falling for any of his usually irresistible charms, and viewing him as her enemy. But Rory isn’t about to start failing missions now, despite the fact that his plan is rapidly unraveling thanks to his uncooperative damsel in distress.

Freya refuses to leave her home and its people, fighting Rory every step of the way until she extracts his agreement to escort her to her grandmother’s holding in Wales. Rory’s family is already on the wrong side of the king, and they must all be exceedingly careful to keep their heads attached. And yet, Rory finds himself considering how he could help Freya regain her home, against everything the Brotherhood has agreed upon, and the answer is something he’d planned to avoid for the rest of his life.

This was another fast-paced, enjoyable story in a fun new series. Freya definitely had to grow on me because for much of the story, she simply came off as naïve and rather arrogant. Fortunately, as she came to know and trust Rory, she began to think in a more well-rounded way and understand his point of view, even as he came to understand hers. I was definitely surprised at how slow of a burn this was given Rory’s penchant for womanizing, but I think the fact that he didn’t fall straight into bed with Freya made their relationship more meaningful and emphasized that she was different, all the while their attraction was still very palpable. I was a bit nervous that I wouldn’t care for Rory as a hero given how much he’s enjoyed women over the course of the series so far, but he had a surprising depth to his character, and I enjoyed how Freya earned his trust and used her own love for him to do so. This was a great read; I loved the fast pace and the road trip aspect and I’m looking forward to Conall’s story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
