A Rake's Rebellion by Cynthia Breeding | ARC Review

Series: Rake Trilogy, #3
Tropes & Traits: titled hero; slow burn
Publication Date: 11.11.19
Genre/Setting: Historical, England
Rating: 3 stars

Brice, Lord Barclay, isn't really surprised to wake up to a woman in his bed, but he's truly shocked to learn that she is, in fact, his wife. Sarah Vincent is an orphan raised in an American convent and has virtually no knowledge of English high society or men. But since she and Brice have been tricked into a marriage with no way to annul it without leaving her thoroughly ruined, she's determined to make it a real one. Now she just has to learn how to seduce her new husband. After witnessing the cool hostility that existed between his parents, Brice wanted no part of marriage, but with his new wife gaining confidence every day he's becoming more and more attracted to her Too bad they made an agreement to stay out of each other's way and have a marriage in name only.

I really did enjoy the first half of this book and the premise of them both being tricked into marriage was intriguing. But the lack of communication really began to wear on my nerves about halfway through. Brice was jealous and hypocritical, expecting accountings of Sarah's time while expecting to give none for his own. For her part, Sarah's naivete, while understandable given her time in a convent, got rather trying and I expected more from her given her rapidly developing confidence. I hated that she allowed herself to be cowed by Brice. I began to lose my patience with these two and found some of the narrative to be a bit repetitive, with reiterations of scenes that had occurred in previous chapters as if they had occurred in a previous book and not just a few pages back.

I would've liked to see a bit more dialogue between Brice and Sarah when they did both come to their senses, but nonetheless, this was a good read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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