Freya by Celeste Barclay | ARC Review

Series: Viking Glory, #2
Tropes & Traits: independent heroine, suspense/danger; unrequited love; adventure
Publication Date: 06.03.19
Genre/Setting: Historical, Viking
Heat Level: 4/5
Rating: 4 stars

Freya Ivarsdottir is a well-respected shieldmaiden and only daughter of a jarl. She is a keen fighter in defense of her people and is fiercely independent. She isn't ready to give her heart away and refuses to be claimed like property and so she resists the attention of Erick Rangvaldson, the son of their ally and neighboring jarl. She has no use for the arrogant man who trails after her like a puppy, but soon must work with him on an information gathering expedition in the hopes of defeating their common enemy.

Erik hasn't tried to hide his feelings for Freya, but thus far they are unrequited. He finds himself almost more focused on winning Freya's love and trust than he is on their mission, but he may not be able to convince her that his interest is permanent.

While there is battle and danger in this one, most of the focus is on Freya and Erik both overcoming their insecurities and learning to communicate and trust each other and their love. It kept me in suspense because I kept waiting for something to separate them but it never did and I found that refreshing. Their interactions were so romantic and heartfelt that I didn't even mind if they sometimes got a bit repetitive. I'll definitely be checking out more of this series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
